Hello, good to see you guys again. It has been a while since I had post something, I just got back from chemotherapy. Btw, feeling better now.

  So today I'm going to talk about don't stress and depressed when you're sick or anything atrocious happened to you. It is a general tips.

  We can't avoid feeling distress and sad when dealing with diseases but we can choose to avoid it. The best way is to distract yourself. There are various options to be picked such as watching movies, hanging out with friends, playing games, writing and etc.

  What I did are watching movies, playing instruments, and editing photos. This year, there are many exciting movies in the theater, Have you seen IT 2017 - adapted from Stephen King's? If you haven't, then you should. There are plenty of movies you can check online too.

  Depression is a humongous issue when you are struck by diseases and I found it healing when playing music. Playing my guitar for a few hours a day makes me feel enlightened and jovial. You can invite your friends to play along or you can pick up chicks with your skills. HAHA!

current favourite band

  For the past few weeks I have been studying editing and designing images. I have a lot of time so why not I learn something that might be useful to me in the future. It is fun, you can play around with it using your creativity.

              photos I have edited.

  The most vital thing is doing something that will distract you and let you forget about your diseases. There is no use to whine, it won't heal you. Maybe it is a good time to learn new knowledge.


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