Lymphoma symptoms ( experience)

                                   LYMPHOMA SYMPTOMS

 Lymphoma is harder to diagnose from other types of cancer. You may seem normal and live a happy life but you don't know that disease  is developing inside you. When the swells came out, it might be a little too late.😰

 So I'll share my own experience to provide awareness to all of you. First, I always feel tired even though I didn't do anything. Nope, this is not that lazy type of tired😂. It feels like I have worked out for hours but apparently I have done none. I constantly felt fatigue, even only after a 2 hour class, I felt the urge to sleep. I can only play futsal like 15-20 minutes and I gasped for air.

 Next is excessive sweat. I'm sweating even in the air-conditioned room, during eating, even worse when eating spicy foods. Bed time is the worst. I'll be sleeping just fine then realized my bed was soaked wet. I didn't pee in my bed😂 but it was my sweat. I have to change it a few times or just put a layer of clothes if I'm lazy.

 Then I will feel this weird fever, usually happened at night. I got fever and chills every night but then the next morning I'm feeling just fine. However under a hot weather, I'll feel dizzy and feverish. During my foundation, that place is so hot and dry like a desert, makes it even worse.

 My weight is dropping, from 60kg to 55-54kg slowly. In a few months I guess. I constantly vomited  after I ate. I felt like avoid eating so I won't vomit.

 That is it, I hope my experience is useful.


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