1 in 4 Malaysian Suffering Cancer

                                             UNHEALTHY LIFESTYLE

 Is not is shocking that one in four Malaysian suffers from cancer😨? That is 40 000 every year. Once called the "western disease" is now spreading all over the world. According to World Health Organization (WHO) data in 2003, cancer are disseminating in developing countries. Most cancer are invited, not inherited. What went wrong😟?


 There are pattern linked between cancer and urbanized and industrial cities😯. It already happened in the past, people migrate from another place and built huge cities with new industrial sectors and technology, and an unknown disease arose. An estimated of 80-90% cancer are caused by the polluted environment - radiation, air pollutants, chemical pesticides, asbestos and others😱. Worse, there are toxic in our food, water, drugs, cosmetics, household products, and cigarettes. Steroid are also a common cancer causing agent.


 How does cancer begins? Cells are produced and replacing the old ones, sometimes the process went wrong, old cells did not die and new cells are produced even when they are not needed. Thus, it form a tumor. Our dietary pattern 🍕🍔plays a significant role in cells reproduction. The availability of cells to form are depend on substrates and nutrition.


It means food high in calories - high fat, salt, sugar🍟🍺 - Common high calories foods are processed food, fast food, junk food. Energy dense food will result to obesity, which a common factor of cancer. We should avoid sugary drinks, which contained a lot of sugar. Not just sugary drinks, sweet foods should be avoided and consumed at  least amount. Take less salt in our food. Salt is essential for our body but eating too much may trigger cancer. Salt contained N-nitroso which promotes stomach cancer. Guess what Malaysian's favourite dish? Salted fish🐟. Other high amount of salt foods are processed food, preserved food, chips and other junk food.


 Most people in urbanized cities have low physical activities💤. Physical activities have declined since more advanced technology are introduced. Video games, television, social medias are our primary source of entertainment now💻📺📱. Machines are taking over human work, washing dishes, sweeping, vehicles have replaced walking. There are convincing evidences that staying active protects from colon, breast, and endometrial cancer. Physical activities avoid obesity, high blood pressure, and other diseases that lead to cancer.


  1. Such a good post.. Some facts tht I dont know is written in it. Thankyou and keep it up ��


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